Mahalle Patil Sanstha-K.T Mahavidyalaya1. All the students must attend at least 75% of the theory and practical Classes separately for each subject in every month and at least 80% of the PT classes or NSS programmes/ activities. A student will be fined @ Rs 500/- If he / she remains absent for three consecutive periods of a teacher The fine can be exempted if the student submits home assignments given by the concerned teacher to his/ her satisfaction. The student will be debarred from appearing at the Board / University examination if his/ her attendance is below prescribed limits.
2. Regular attendance in every subject in every month is required for clearing EBC & other freeships / scholarships, etc. and these will be distributed to only those students whose attendance in every subject is 75% and who will pass the monthly and terminal examinations.Even absence on medical grounds will not be condoned. Students should realize that they could absent themselves only at their own risk. All parents must take a note of this.