- Students must not loiter in the college compound. They should spend their leisure time in the library.
- Students are strictly forbidden to enter the college office, Professor’s Common Room, Laboratories and Principal’s office without permission of the concerned person.
- Misbehavior by any student in the college premises, lecture hall or near the office is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
- Students must be courteous in their talk and behavior amongst themselves and with other staff members.
- All the students shall be in their seats in the class before the start of the lecture. No student should enter or leave the class without the permission of the teacher concerned.
- Students must remain regular in attending the college. They should not remain absent from classes or examinations without permission of the principal, which may be granted only when he is convinced that the student has absented for reasons beyond his/ her control.
- Students must take care of college property such as furniture, electrical fixtures, books, and apparatus, etc. Students will be charged in case of any damage caused to the college property.
- Students must not bring unauthorized persons with them to the college premises. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student who violates this rule.
- Students should abide by all the general and special rules and orders of the college authorities in regard to their conduct both in and outside the college.
- Chewing pan, tobacco, gutkha and wearing goggles in the college premises is not permitted.